platform for control and data acquisistion application development

Data Acquisition with Matlab

MicroDAQ support package for Matlab/Simulink can be used to develop advanced data acquisitions applications. The MicroDAQ support package lets you make a variety of measurements directly from Scilab without the need to convert the data or import from other software. Software includes functions for controlling analog inputs, analog outputs, digital I/O (quadrature encoders, PWM). You can visualize and analyze data, automate measurements, create wireless measurement applications.

In this article, we want to gather all common examples of data acquisition tasks and provide sample code showing how these tasks can be implemented with Matlab and MicroDAQ support package for Matlab/Simulink. Bellow is a sample code which can be used on MicroDAQ E1000/E1100 and E2000 devices. However not every MicroDAQ configuration will be capable of running all examples e.g. when you are using MicroDAQ with the 0-5V analog output you are not able to generate a negatibe voltage on analog output and you will get 'Unsupported range' error on some examples below.

Analog Inputs | Analog Outputs | Simultaneous Analog Input and Outputs | Digital Inputs and Outputs | Encoder Inputs | PWM Outputs

Analog Inputs

Single data acquisition in single-ended mode

Acquire data (8 samples) from analog input channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 with range -10 to 10V, single-ended mode.

 mdaqAIRead(1:8, [-10,10], false)

Single data acquisition in differential mode

Acquire data (8 samples) from analog input channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 with range -10 to 10V, differential mode.

 mdaqAIRead(1:8, [-10,10], true)

Single data acquisition with multi-range

Acquire data (4 samples) from analog input channels 1,2,3,4 with ranges -10 to 10V for channels 1, 4 and range -5 to 5V for channels 2,3, single-ended mode.

mdaqAIRead(1:4, [-10,10; -5,5; -5,5; -10,10], false)

Single data acquisition with multi-range, single-ended and differential mode

Acquire data (3 samples) from analog input channels 1,3,4 where channel 1 is a differential channel, channels 3 4 are single-ended. Configure channels with the following ranges: differential channel (1) -10 to 10V, single-ended channel number 3 -5 to 5V range and -10 to 10V for channel number 4.

mdaqAIRead([1 3 4], [-10,10; -5,5; -10,10], [true false false])

Acquire data from multiple channels

Acquire 10000 scans (80000 samples) and plot data from analog input channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Acquisition with 10000 scans per second rate, with range -10 to 10V, single-ended mode. Acquisition duration is 1 second.

mdaqAIScanInit(1:8, [-10,10], false, 10000, 1)
plot(mdaqAIScan(10000, true))

Acquire data from multiple channels with different input ranges

Acquire 10000 scans (40000 samples) and plot data from analog input channels 1,2,3,4. Acquisition with 10000 scans per second rate, with ranges -10 to 10V for channels 1, 4 and range -5 to 5V for channels 2,3, single-ended mode. Acquisition duration is 1 second.

mdaqAIScanInit(1:4, [-10,10; -5,5; -5,5; -10,10], false, 10000, 1)
plot(mdaqAIScan(10000, true))

Acquire and save data to CSV file

Acquire 10000 scans (80000 samples) and save data to CSV file. Analog input channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Acquisition with 10000 scans per second rate, with range -10 to 10V, single-ended mode. Acquisition duration is 1 second.

mdaqAIScanInit(1:8, [-10,10], false, 10000, 1);
data = mdaqAIScan(10000, true);
csvwrite('adc_data.csv', data);

Start acquisition on analog input voltage level

Start acquisition when the voltage on A1 is greater than 2V. Acquire 10000 scans (80000 samples). Acquire data from analog input channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Acquisition with 10000 scans per second rate, with range -10 to 10V, single-ended mode. Acquisition duration is 1 second.

mdaqAIScanInit(1:8, [-10,10], false, 10000, 1);
while(mdaqAIRead(1, [-10,10], false) < 2) end
plot(mdaqAIScan(10000, false))

Start acquisition on DIO state change

Start acquisition when DIO7 becomes High. Acquire 10000 scans (80000 samples) from analog input channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Acquisition with 10000 scans per second rate, with range -10 to 10V, single-ended mode. Acquisition duration is 1 second.

mdaqAIScanInit(1:8, [-10,10], false, 1000, 1);
while(mdaqDIORead(7) == 0) end
plot(mdaqAIScan(1000, true))

Acquire data in the loop

Acquire 10000 scans (80000 samples) in the loop and plot data from analog input channels 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Acquisition with 10000 scans per second rate, with range -10 to 10V, single-ended mode. When acquired the desired number of samples stop acquisition - continuous mode acquisition.

aiData = [];
dataCount = 0;
mdaqAIScanInit(1:8, [-10,10], false, 10000, -1)
for i=1:10
    [data result] = mdaqAIScan(1000, true);
    aiData = [aiData; data];
    dataCount = dataCount + result;
    sprintf('Acquired %d scans (total: %d scans)\n', result, dataCount);

Analog Outputs

Set multiple analog output channels

Set 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V on channels 2, 4, 6, 8 respectively. Configure all used analog output channels to range 0 to 5V.

mdaqAOWrite([2, 4, 6, 8], [0, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4])

Set multiple analog output channels with different ranges

Set analog output voltage with different analog output range. Set 5V, 1V, 2V on channels 1, 2, 3 respectively. Configure channels 1, 2, 3 with with ranges -10 to 10V, -2.5 to 2.5V and -2.5 to 2.5V respectively.

mdaqAOWrite([1,2,3], [-10,10; -2.5,2.5; -2.5,2.5], [5,1,2])

Background signal generation

Generate sine waveform signal (10Hz) on analog output channel 1 (AO1) from 100 values for 5 seconds. Analog output update rate is 1000 updates per second. Use -10 to 10V range for analog output channel.

data = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100));
mdaqAOScanInit(1, data', [-10,10], false, 1000, 5);

Background signal generation on multiple channels

Generate sine waveform signal (10Hz) on analog output channel 1 and 2 from 100 values for 5 seconds. Analog output update rate is 1000 updates per second. Use -10 to 10V range for all used analog output channels.

data1 = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100));
data2 = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100))*2;
mdaqAOScanInit([1 2], [data1' data2'], [-10,10], false, 1000, 5);

Start background signal generation on analog input voltage level

Start acquisition when the voltage on A1 is below 2V. Generate sine waveform signal (10Hz) on analog output channel 1 (AO1) from 100 values for 5 seconds. Analog output update rate is 1000 updates per second. Use -10 to 10V range for analog output channel.

data = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100));
mdaqAOScanInit(1, data', [-10,10], false, 1000, 5);
while(mdaqAIRead(1, [-10,10], false) < 2) end

Background signal generation on multiple channels with data update 

Generate sine waveform signal (10Hz) on analog output channel 1 and 2 from 100 values (for each channel) for 5 seconds. After 2 seconds change channel 2 sine waveform amplitude by loading new waveform data. Analog output update rate is 1000 updates per second. Use -10 to 10V range for all used analog output channels. Use Periodic mode.

data1 = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100));
data2 = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100))*2;
mdaqAOScanInit([1 2], [data1' data2'], [-10,10], false, 1000, 5);
data2 = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100))*3;
mdaqAOScanData(2, data2', false);                                        

Signal generation with waveform data queuing

Generate rising amplitude sine waveform signal (1Hz) on analog output channel 1 for 5 seconds. Queue 1000 samples in blocking mode. Analog output update rate is 1000 updates per second. Use -10 to 10V range for all used analog output channels. Use Stream mode.

sine = repmat(sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000)), 1, 5);
gain = (0.001:0.001:5);
data = sine.*gain;
mdaqAOScanInit(1, data(1:1000)', [-10,10], true, 1000, 5);
mdaqAOScanData(1, data(1001:2000)', true);
mdaqAOScanData(1, data(2001:3000)', true);
mdaqAOScanData(1, data(3001:4000)', true);
mdaqAOScanData(1, data(4001:5000)', true);

Simultaneous Analog Input and Outputs

Generate signal and acquire data simultaneously

Generate sine waveform on analog output 1 and acquire data on analog input 1 simultaneously. Use same rate for analog input and output scanning - 1000 scans/updates per second.

data = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100));
mdaqAOScanInit(1, data', [-10,10], false, 1000, 1);
mdaqAIScanInit(1, [-10,10], false, 1000, 1);
plot(mdaqAIScan(1000, true))

Generate signal and acquire data simultaneously with different rates

Generate sine waveform on analog output 1 and acquire data on analog input 1 simultaneously. Use same different rates for analog input and output. Generate signal with 100 updates per second and aquire data with 1000 scans per second.

data = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1];
mdaqAOScanInit(1, data', [-10,10], false, 100, 1);
mdaqAIScanInit(1, [-10,10], false, 1000, 1);
plot(mdaqAIScan(1000, true))

Acquire, process and generate signal on analog output simultaneously.

Acquire signal from analog input 1, gain signal by factor of 2, and generated amplified signal on analog output 1 simultaneously.  Perform signal processing for 5 seconds, with -5 to 5V analog input rage and -10 to 10V analog output rage. Use same scan/update per second rate (1000) for analog inputs and outputs. Use Stream mode for analog output scanning session.

mdaqAIScanInit(1, [-5,5], false, 1000, 5);
data = mdaqAIScan(1000, true);
// Signal processing - gain acquired signal
data = data * 2; 
mdaqAOScanInit(1, data, [-10,10], true, 1000, 5);
for i = 1:4
    data = mdaqAIScan(1000, true);
    // Signal processing - gain acquired signal
    data = data * 2; 
    mdaqAOScanData(1, data, true);

Digital Inputs and Outputs

Read DIO state

Read DIO7 state


Read DIO state

Read DIO1 state which is configured by default as a Encoder input

mdaqDIOFunc(1, false);
state = mdaqDIORead(1)
mdaqDIOFunc(1, true);

Write DIO state

Set DIO16 state to high.

mdaqDIOWrite(16, 1)

Read MicroDAQ function key state

Blink D1 LED until MicroDAQ F1 button is released.

while(mdaqKeyRead(1) == 0)
    mdaqLEDWrite(1, 1);
    mdaqLEDWrite(1, 0);

Set MicroDAQ LED state

Blink D1 LED until MicroDAQ F1 button is released.

while(mdaqKeyRead(1) == 0)
    mdaqLEDWrite(1, 1);
    mdaqLEDWrite(1, 0);

Encoder Inputs

Read Encoder module

Read Encoder module 1 until MicroDAQ F1 button is released.

mdaqEncoderInit(1, 0);
while(mdaqKeyRead(1) == %f)

PWM Outputs

Set PWM period and duty

Set PWM period to 1ms and initial duty to 25% and 50% for channel A and B. After 1 second change PWM duty to 0 for channel A and B.

mdaqPWMInit(1, 1000, false, 25, 50);
mdaqPWMWrite(1, 0 , 0);